Blue Analysis
Mathematics, Statistics & Intelligence
We bring you advanced data processing technology at your fingertips in practical and easy to use systems. Our software solves a wide range of problems from highly sophisticated data analysis to numerical programming. See our product catalogue.
Recent Activities
Partner with Project Osiris
Blue Analysis has become a participating company in Project Osiris, Copenhagen, Denmark. Project Osiris is a new non-profit platform working with applied mathematics and computational intelligence in relation to sociological and politological models. Blue Analysis is supervising the organisation and deployment of the project, and holds a key role in developing and testing the models of the framework.
Clode Analyser 1.1.0: Released!
The Clode Analyser offers state-of-the-art Neural Net methods for data classification. The product combines the power and robustness of Neural Nets with an intuitive step-by-step guides, which will allow new users to perform highly advanced data classification within just a few minutes! Clode Analyser builds upon the high performance Clode Library. Read more about Clode Analyser here.
Clode Library 1.1.0: Released!
The Clode Library offers state-of-the-art Neural Net methods for data classification. The product provies a library for applying the power and robustness of Neural Nets in any application with algorithms that adjust themselves to the data. Read more about Clode Library here.
Acid Library 1.4.0: Released!
Acid Library is a high
performance Math Parser for the .Net Framework.
Built for performance, it calculates all the elementry math operations,
including imaginary and complex numbers,
but also supports a dozen of additional functions. Version 1.4.0
provides minor bug fixes and speed optimizations. Read
more about Acid Library here.